Putra Massive Open Online Course (PutraMOOC) launched by Dato' Seri Idris Jusoh, Education Minister II on April 7, 2014. It is Universiti Putra Malaysia's (UPM) latest public service to the community and the world at large - an online learning environment on various field of studies offering video lectures, interactive forums, chats, quizzes, e-assessments and other learning activities. Called Putra Massive Open Online Course (PutraMOOC), the initiative that is considered a 21st century learning environment, is open to the global communities at no cost. They just need to register online (putramooc.upm.my) and follow the course fully online. Some of the courses will take seven to eight weeks to be completed. 

Available from 14 April 2014 are the courses on "Agriculture and Man" and "Malay Arts". Other courses will be made available in PutraMOOC as they are now in the making to reflect equal quality materials to the existing UPM's in-campus courses. In line with the national level MOOC initiative, UPM is also preparing "Islamic Civilization and Asian Civilization" (TITAS), a compulsory course for all public universities on to be offered as a MOOC course and this initiative will benefit in-campus students, as well as interested public communities. This new platform of learning is also in line with the current National Higher Education Strategic Plan which emphasizes life-long learning, e-Learning, internationalization and knowledge transfer. 

The development of PutraMOOC learning environment began its journey since November 2013, holding on to five main principles namely "Open Access, Equal Opportunity", "Small Idea, Big Impact", "Local University, Global Community", "Enriching Learning Experience" and above all, UPM's main principle, "With Knowledge, We serve". UPM is planning to expand its PutraMOOC's role in spearheading the university's Agriculture agenda through collaboration with Asian Association of Agricultural Colleges and Universities (AAACU), offering agriculture related courses to reach out the global communities via the new learning environment. It is a vision that UPM sees through PutraMOOC that the university will go a step further towards globally fostering new generation of learning experience.

Recent featured courses available are Agriculture & Man; Malay Arts; Tamadun Islam & Tamadun Asia (TITAS); Malaysian Food Heritage; Islamic Finance: Principles & Applications; Halal Foods; Ethology & Animal Welfare; and also Water Safety.


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Updated:: 08/05/2023 [azryadeny]